Welcome to the West Bellfort community!
Welcome to the West Bellfort community!
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Potential for Lake Lowering
HOUSTON - Mayor Pro Tem Dave Martin would like to make Lake Houston Area residents aware that Houston Public Works, Coastal Water Authority, and San Jacinto River Authority are working together closely and monitoring the tropical system approaching the Gulf of Mexico this weekend and early next week. In the coming days, there may be a need to enact our storm management lake lowering protocols and would like residents to make sure they are prepared in advance. Property owners should make arrangements now to secure boats and other items along the shoreline for a potential lowering of Lake Houston. Please click here for more details.
Harris County Receives Successful Status For Countywide Polling Place Program
Houston, TX– Harris County has earned successful status from the Texas Secretary of State’s Office for the Countywide Polling Place Program following the May 4, 2019 Joint Election. Harris County is the largest county in the country to have executed a successful election where voters can cast a ballot at any polling location. Approximately 36% of voters traveled outside of their home precinct to vote on Election Day. In the upcoming November election, voters will once again be able to vote anywhere in the county both on Election Day and during Early Voting. “Feedback from communities across the county has been largely positive, and I am pleased that voters will continue to be able to choose a convenient location to cast their ballot” said Harris County Clerk Dr. Diane Trautman. Dr. Trautman began championing the Countywide Polling Place Program shortly after taking office in January. The County Clerk’s office held multiple public hearings and meetings about the program ahead of the unanimous vote by Harris County Commissioners Court to apply for the program in February. “Voting is a fundamental right, and it is of the utmost importance that the ballot is accessible to all residents of Harris County,” explained Trautman. Voters can find more information on the Countywide Polling Place Program by visiting www.HarrisVotes.com or by calling the Harris County Clerk’s office at 713.755.6965.
Council Member Larry V. Green 1965-2018
Last month on March 6, 2018, it was a complete shock to the District K staff and the rest of Houston to hear of the sudden passing of Council Member Larry Green. "The District K staff is sincerely appreciative of all the heartfelt prayers and thoughts as the "Green Dream Team" continues to transition during this bereavement period." states Martha Castex-Tatum, District K Constituent Services Director. "Council Member Green was a man that lived life to the fullest. He accomplished a lot and was well loved by his constituents and peers." Council Member Green was a graduate of Madison High School, earned his BA in political science from the University of Houston and his doctorate in jurisprudence from Texas Southern University. He practiced law in private practice for over 20 years while volunteering countless hours of his personal time to a number of civic causes before serving as a congressional aide, and later the director of the job training non-profit HoustonWorksUSA. Council Member Green was first elected to Houston City Council in 2012, after the creation of the newly formed District K. He was the first council member to hold the seat for this new council district. During his tenure on City Council, Council Member Green championed for economic development to District K, often boasting that District K had the largest number of empty lots within the city, prime for residential or commercial development, and focused on a number of job creation programs to improve the quality of life of the constituents. Additionally, Council Member Green served as the Chair of the Transportation, Technology, and Infrastructure Committee at City Hall, and was also an active board member for the Texas Municipal League and the National League of Cities. "In spirit, his legacy lives on. The District K office will continue to thrive and move the council office forward and upward," states Donald Perkins, District K Chief of Staff.
Department of Neighborhoods to Resume Heavy Trash Code Enforcement March 1, 2018
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey’s devastating floods, the Department of Neighborhoods (DON) placed a moratorium on the enforcement of heavy trash codes to give residents reasonable time to clear debris, junk and other materials from their properties. As the city continues to make strides in the recovery and rebuilding process, on March 1, 2018, the department will resume heavy trash inspections and code enforcement operations in accordance with City of Houston Code of Ordinances Chapter 39.
City Crews return to regular Tree/Junk Schedule
The Solid Waste Management Department will temporarily suspend city crews collecting Hurricane Harvey storm debris effective February 28, 2018. Contracted storm debris crews will remain in place until further notice. City Junk Waste/Tree Waste crews will resume the regularly scheduled Tree Waste and Junk Waste collections effective March 1, 2018. Mayor Sylvester Turner stated, “Houstonians should be very thankful and proud of the hard work of their Solid Waste Management employees who worked tirelessly to relieve them of the debris burden and immediate stress created by the ravages of Hurricane Harvey. City debris crews were on the ground immediately after the floodwaters receded and homeowners began their road to recovery.” Solid Waste Director Harry Hayes was also very thankful and proud of the work of the department’s employees and noted that “Houston’s solid waste team is extremely dedicated to serving its community especially in their time of extreme need. Many solid waste employees suffered Harvey damage, but were on the job from day one ensuring that the community quickly recovered.”
Thursday, March 1, 2018: Regular Tree Waste Schedule
Monday, April 2, 2018: Regular Junk Waste Schedule
Remember odd months are Tree Waste and even months are Junk Waste.
Tree Waste months: January, March, May, July, September, and November.
Junk Waste months: February, April, June, August, October and December.
Harvey Storm Debris is still being collected, continue to place debris at the curb. Report uncollected storm debris to the City of Houston 3-1-1 service line.
For more information about SWMD and our services, visit us at www.houstonsolidwaste.org, “LIKE” us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/houstonsolidwaste, follow us on Twitter @HoustonTrash, or call 3-1-1, the City of Houston’s Customer Service Helpline.
About the City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department
The Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) provides solid waste services to the citizens of Houston through the collection, disposal and recycling of discarded material in a manner that is safe, efficient, environmentally sound and cost-effective.
CenterPoint Energy Provides Tip To Be Prepared For Flooding
Please click here for important pre-and post-storm electric and natural gas safety tips.
How to avoid becoming an auto burglary victim
Please click here for safety tips to help avoid becoming an auto burglary victim, courtesy of HPD and DPS.
Burglaries of Unlocked Vehicles
The Constables have seen an uptick in Burglaries of Unlocked Vehicles during the past week. Can you please help get the word out to all residents in the neighborhood; 1-DO NOT LEAVE ANYTHING IN YOUR CARS. 2-LOCK UP YOUR CARS. 3- YOUR FRONT PORCH LIGHTS AND DRIVEWAY LIGHTS ON. I do not want the thieves to think this contract is fair game and with our help we can make the Community more safe. Thanks, Constable’s Office.
Houston Happenings
Catch up on city events and learn about department programs online. Click here for more details.
Is Your Airbag Defective?
Click and read the pdf files to find out if your airbag could be a danger to you.
Harris County Releases Emergency Preparedness App
The Harris County Office of Homeland Security & Emergency Management released a free mobile app, ReadyHarris, just in time for hurricane season. The app helps Harris County residents build a personal preparedness plan and get real-time updates during emergencies. Click here for more details.
Recycling Services Contract with Waste Management
The City of Houston has reached an agreement to terms more favorable to the City with Waste Management. Please click here for details.
The Amateur Radio Parity Act
The Amateur Radio Parity Act (S. 1685) is scheduled for mark-up in the Senate Commerce Committee on November 18. Your Senator serves on the Senate Commerce Committee and it is very important he/she hears from you today to oppose S. 1685. Please click here for details.
Vacation Watch
While planning your vacation, don’t forget to register for a deputy vacation watch by visiting the
Precinct 7 website and select “Vacation Watch” - http://www.harriscountytx.gov/conpct7/
Houston Police Department Information
Click here for the location and hours of the Braebrun Community Storefront. Click here for useful links provided by the Houston Police Department.
Provide feeback on General Plan
One million residents are expected to move to Houston in the next 20 years and to prepare for this momentous growth, the City is creating a General Plan. The Plan will consolidate and coordinate strategies to address neighborhood enhancement and community development over the coming years. This coordinated effort will provide opportunities to increase communication between government agencies, increase aesthetic design, minimize delays in projects, realize cost savings, reduce duplication in effort and increase overall efficiency. Click here to see a postcard with more details. Also visit www.planhouston.org to answer pertinent questions the City is asking to develop the plan.
Trash Facts
Please click here to see the latest citizen's guide to the City of Houston's Solid Waste Management Department's services.
Recycling Information
Click here to see the latest information on our recycling program
Heavy Trash Pickup Days
West Bellfort POA (north side of West Bellfort) heavy trash is on the 2nd Friday of the month. The odd numbered months are only TREE waste and the even numbered months are only JUNK waste.
West Bellfort POA (south side of West Bellfort) heavy trash is on the 3rd Thursday of the month. The odd numbered months are only TREE waste and the even numbered months are only JUNK waste.
RAIDS Online
BAIR Analytics has a public crime map, RAIDS Online, which connects law enforcement with the community to reduce crime and improve public safety. For details, visit:
Department of Neighborhoods to Resume Heavy Trash Code Enforcement March 1, 2018
In the wake of Hurricane Harvey’s devastating floods, the Department of Neighborhoods (DON) placed a moratorium on the enforcement of heavy trash codes to give residents reasonable time to clear debris, junk and other materials from their properties. As the city continues to make strides in the recovery and rebuilding process, on March 1, 2018, the department will resume heavy trash inspections and code enforcement operations in accordance with City of Houston Code of Ordinances Chapter 39.
City Crews return to regular Tree/Junk Schedule
The Solid Waste Management Department will temporarily suspend city crews collecting Hurricane Harvey storm debris effective February 28, 2018. Contracted storm debris crews will remain in place until further notice. City Junk Waste/Tree Waste crews will resume the regularly scheduled Tree Waste and Junk Waste collections effective March 1, 2018. Mayor Sylvester Turner stated, “Houstonians should be very thankful and proud of the hard work of their Solid Waste Management employees who worked tirelessly to relieve them of the debris burden and immediate stress created by the ravages of Hurricane Harvey. City debris crews were on the ground immediately after the floodwaters receded and homeowners began their road to recovery.” Solid Waste Director Harry Hayes was also very thankful and proud of the work of the department’s employees and noted that “Houston’s solid waste team is extremely dedicated to serving its community especially in their time of extreme need. Many solid waste employees suffered Harvey damage, but were on the job from day one ensuring that the community quickly recovered.”
Thursday, March 1, 2018: Regular Tree Waste Schedule
Monday, April 2, 2018: Regular Junk Waste Schedule
Remember odd months are Tree Waste and even months are Junk Waste.
Tree Waste months: January, March, May, July, September, and November.
Junk Waste months: February, April, June, August, October and December.
Harvey Storm Debris is still being collected, continue to place debris at the curb. Report uncollected storm debris to the City of Houston 3-1-1 service line.
For more information about SWMD and our services, visit us at www.houstonsolidwaste.org, “LIKE” us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/houstonsolidwaste, follow us on Twitter @HoustonTrash, or call 3-1-1, the City of Houston’s Customer Service Helpline.
About the City of Houston Solid Waste Management Department
The Solid Waste Management Department (SWMD) provides solid waste services to the citizens of Houston through the collection, disposal and recycling of discarded material in a manner that is safe, efficient, environmentally sound and cost-effective.
HTX Collects Mobile App
The Houston Solid Waste Management Department has launched HTX Collects, a mobile app that will allow residents to stay better connected with the City’s waste and recycling collection programs.
The Solid Waste Management Department collects curbside service for over 395,000 residential homes within the city limits. With both garbage (black can) and recycling (green can) as the core operations for curbside collections, the mobile app will help residents keep track of weekly services, updates, and collection delays.
“The HTX Collects mobile app will make it easier for Houstonians to learn about environmentally sustainable solutions for their neighborhoods,” said Mayor Sylvester Turner.“ I encourage Houstonians to download the app today and take advantage of all its features. Together, we can help clean the environment in our City.”
HTX Collects will include collection reminders for garbage, recycling, yard waste and tree/junk waste specific to their service address. The mobile app will also send a reminder to residents of their collection days.
“This user-friendly mobile app has many features available to residents, giving them the ability to stay up to date on the department’s core services. Residents can sign up for service alerts and know what goes where. This is a seamless way to stay connected with the City’s waste and recycling programs. “Come on, Houston, let’s Chase the Waste!” said Interim Director Carolyn Wright. “All Houston residents have the opportunity to enhance their knowledge about recycling at their fingertips with our new “Chase the Waste” game! Download the app or visit our website HoustonRecycles.org to play and see if you have what it takes to be a “Certified Recycling Ranger”!
Residents can find and download the mobile app for Apple and Android devices via the Apple App Store or Google Play Store by searching for the keywords Houston Trash and Recycling. We encourage residents to use the following features of the new app:
Those who do not have an Apple or Android device can visit our website HoustonRecycles.org and search their home address in the My Schedule tool. They can also:
For more information about SWMD and our services, visit us at www.houstonsolidwaste.org, “LIKE” us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/houstonsolidwaste, follow us on Twitter @HoustonTrash, or call 3-1-1, the City of Houston’s Customer Service Helpline.
Debris separation information
The City of Houston has provided a handy chart for separating debris. Please click here for the information.
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